The Music's Over

but the songs live on

Died On This Date (June 10, 1996) Alan Blakley / The Tremeloes

Posted by on June 10, 2010

Alan Blakley
April 1, 1942 – June 10, 1996

Alan Blakely at bottom right

Alan Blakley was rhythm guitarist and keyboard player for unsung British Invasion band, the Tremeloes. The Tremeloes will always be a footnote in Beatles history as the group that Decca Records signed instead of the Fab Four. They are also remembered for a string of chart landing hits that included their versions of “Twist and Shout,” “Do You Love Me,” “Silence Is Golden,” and most famously, Cat Stevens’ “Here Comes My Baby.” They continued to release hits through most of the ’60s, but the following decades were not so kind, but they soldiered on with several line up changes and continue to this day playing pop-rival shows. Blakely ventured into producing and worked with such artists as Mungo Jerry, the Rubettes and Bilbo. He died of cancer on June 10, 1996.

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One Response to “Died On This Date (June 10, 1996) Alan Blakley / The Tremeloes”

  1. arvis said

    years ago the images of the band playing were known only on radio or album with videos from the past you get to see and hear and enjoy bands of the world. you see and get to know these artists, but then you realize they were gone and some too soon. the trembliest had alan blakley and he had such a nice smile and now with all our technology we would be able to see their shows , but we can not. some advise please take care of your selves. no smoking or or other substances we want all of you artists to be healthy for us . i had one bad habit i ate ice cream ,it harmed my liver. i am ok now and maybe once a year i eat that yummy ice cream , my point i am here and at 83 i remember all of you wonderful talented band members. take care and there lots of us who still care for you and your music.i had to grow up with la te da music or country sad music. marching bands were good.but with guitars it liberated dancing and feel good music. thank you for music thank you for all the radio we can get out on the highway looking for adventure and be born to be wild again. just love you all. arvis

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